A project of nine works forming one painting. Man would still behave like chimpanzees if we had no artists and scientists amongst us who dared to go in against the crowd. But still, we remain primates.

Still a surprise, also for myself.

There are ideas forming. At the moment you see Marie Curie playing with a radium marble, Picasso dripping ****. That's the status now, this part is not finished.

The top right corner has to paint itself, like a book

When canvas 6 is ready, I decide what to create as opposed to that.

This center piece has been through quite a few stages. In the previous stage it was called “Bar Dancing Melancholia” as a reference to the movie of Lars Von Trier. It still is like that but the idea has changed from an ode to that man's work to the work of artists in general.

The painting started in 2018 and is now almost finished as the middle of the ninetych. I had no idea that it would be like that. In particular during Covid I made many changes. I hope I can plan the next stages better since I intend to finish the whole idea in 2024.

More about this fifth canvas that was the first one created, and images of its history and development, soon here on this next page.

Looking for a strong contrast within this sixth canvas. Something like “nature will always survive”. Exciting as it will be opposed to canvas four.

Ideas are forming.

Ideas are forming.

Ideas are forming.