Thank you so much for being here, on my new website in the making. I love to show you around in my artistic world that is called


Paintings from Amsterdam, Laren & Muiden

The paintings above: three visions on one or two olive trees, shaped like a heart, on a hill near Nice (read more).

I'm Vincent

Most of my paintings are signed “Vincent” because it is my given name. I look at Van Gogh - the real real one, obviously - and so did my mother.

How & Where I Paint

My paintings are made with Old-Holland oil on linen canvas, exceptions aside. In Laren (NH) I have my main painting studio. Sometimes I work in Muiden or Amsterdam on my digital repertoire, ranging from websites to animations to NFTs.

Painting Places

Amsterdam, Muiden, Laren: these are all historical places, important to the Dutch Golden Age, the Renaissance - although it started much later than in Italy, the Masters and art in general and world wide. Whether it's the quality or hyped quite effectively, I feel I'm in a center of great creative energy.

When there is time, I shift my focus also towards the south of France for the light and to the far east, Hong Kong in particular for its refined taste and global span.

Digital Art & NFTs

With my oil paintings as a base, I create also digital versions, sometimes AI enhanced, with other formats, colors and animation. These are fpr print, NFT or just for fun and sharing.

My paintings can be divided into categories, projects, ideas. For instance, this work “Holy Fuck In The Field” is part of the “Emotional Forces” series. It is about resistance and faith, about being alive and indocile, power and rebeliousness. There are religious and personal hints in it too.

The other work here is an animation of my painting “The First Artists”.

About This Animation

The only thing that always existed, exists and will exist, exactly, is art. So “In Art We Trust” as some say.

It is derived from my painting “The First Artists” that I put in the category “On Creation”.

You can find a list of animations here. The complete classification is on my paintings gallery entry page.

My ninetych painting project “Human Madness” started about five years ago. It is a story about the influence of artists and scientists on the development of mankind. And who influences the artists.

 Read more about this project


I painted “Hope” between 2018 and 2022. In the signature block you can get your initials, name or a QR painted and become immortal as a “Protector Artis”. Catalogue price is 5,900 euro. More about this painting.

Started as a folly this becomes a series of many paintings in search for the true nature of bicycles. The first one is sold already. More about this project.


A few of my friends are gone. They passed away much too soon.

It leads to paintings where I can go deeper into my emotions.

I call the project “Angels Now”… watch & read more.

There are no new territories. I just connect dots and make them visible. As creation and birth lead to destruction and death - in the end, the end - we let the devil in and we let him grow. In this painting “Pillars Of Creation” you see Elon Musk as one of the results. Read all about this painting.